Happy Lockdown! Well, I am doing a lot many things in this quarantine period. Reading books, learning an instrument, trying new recipes, learning new games, searching for new freelance projects, and whatnot. One thing that I can’t miss mentioning here is, I am also spending time with my family by playing cards.
Before this lockdown, I hardly get time to sit and enjoy especially playing cards with family. This lockdown has actually helped me a lot in discovering and rediscovering the happiness of staying with family. Also, one game that I played the most these days is UNO. It is a simple, fun, and amazing game that you should give a try if you haven’t. Let’s see how it is played.
How to Play Uno Card Game
If you are a 90’s kid (like me), then definitely you have played this game. During that time, we didn’t have smartphones and games like PUBG. Uno cards game can be played when you have 2 or more players (upto10). The rules of the game are quite simple. The one who finishes his/her cards first wins the game. It has a different set of cards in different colors ranging from 0-10. And then special cards like draw two, draw four, skip, reverse, and wild.
Rules to Play Uno Card Game

If you play a skip card, then the next player loses his/her turn. But, if the player has a skip of any other or the same color, then he could play to save his chance. The card used for skip has a circle with a slash on it.

With reverse, you can change the direction of the game. For instance, if you were playing clockwise, after playing a reverse card, the game starts anticlockwise. Remember that Reverse cards can be played only when the face-up card has the same color. Also, you can play reverse on reverse if you have that card of similar or another color. The symbol for the reverse card is two arrows going in opposite directions.
Draw 2

When you play Draw 2, the next player has to pick 2 cards from the deck. Also, his/her turn is missed. If the player has a draw 2 of any color, then the next player will have to pick 4 cards. The symbol of draw 2 is +2 on cards. It can be played when the face-up card has the same color.
Draw 4

The most important card of the game is Draw 4. It can be played anytime. When a player plays Draw 4, then the next person will have to pick 4 cards from the deck, plus he/she has to miss the turn. The player also calls for a color using this card. For instance, if you have more green cards than red or another color, then throw the card and call for green.
Wild Card:

It can be played similar to Draw 4. The only difference is the player calls out for a color, and the next person uses that color to play.
Last Card:
If you have the last card remaining, then you must say UNO before the next player plays a card. Otherwise, you have to pick 2 cards from the deck as a penalty. As you play the last card, the game is finished, and scores are counted for other players.
Following are the Points
SKIP: 20 points
REVERSE: 20 points
DRAW 2: 20 points
DRAW 4: 50 points
WILD: 50 points
Other Cards have their face value (0-9)
How to Play UNO
The game can be played with 2 or more players. Initially, each player gets 7 cards. A new card is opened from the deck and is placed in the open. The game starts when the next player plays the card of the same color or the same number. You can also play special cards (reverse, skip, draw 2, reverse, and wild) in the beginning. If you don’t have a similar number or colored card, as face-up, then you must draw a card from the deck. Remember that the opening card can’t be any special card. The basic rule is to finish all the cards before anyone.
You can also play UNO online by downloading UNO from the play store and iOS.
Tell me how you guys are spending time these days?
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