I was scrolling my insta feed and got my eyes on something that everyone would find relatable. Do you want to know what that was? It was a letter to Pimple from a young beautiful damsel, who was invited to a party the next week. She wrote,
‘Hey! pimple’, why do you always show your presence on my face when I have to attend a party? They have invited me not YOU!
I found this letter cute, but also relatable AF! This happens with me every time. I know that I am not alone who faces this situation and could find a lot of people cussing pimples for this. Sometimes, I pop them. My Bad luck, they appear again and say Hi to me!
Pimples, or say acne is the most common skin problem that is experienced by everyone, especially by teenagers. Also, they search for the best home remedy for acne overnight. Getting rid of pimples overnight is not possible. However, they can be cleared in a day or two.
Someone recommended me to apply green tea and a honey pack on a pimple to get rid of it. Surprisingly, it worked for me. Several home remedies for pimples have been shared by experts, but not everyone has the same skin. So, in this blog, I have added the best treatment for pimples that you could try for better results (hopefully one works for you).
What Causes Pimples/Acne?

You might not know, but your skin has tiny holes or pores that get blocked by dead skin cells or bacteria. When this happens you develop a pimple. Also, if your skin constantly gets infected with the same condition, then you might have acne. Usually, I have seen pimples developing on the forehead, but it could occur anywhere on the body. Less sleep, poor hygiene, hormonal change, and tension are a few common causes for pimples. Let us now jump over effective pimple remedies that could bring your glowing face back in less than a week.
Tried and Tested Home Remedies For Pimples That can Make Your Skin Glow
I have tried some of these home remedies and got positive results. Let’s check out if these pimple remedies work for you.
1. Honey for Pimple

Honey is one of the common and also a favorite ingredient to add in fruit salads, coffee, and smoothies. It is a 100% natural product and benefits health in several ways. Consuming honey improves cholesterol and protects your body from unwanted fungus and bacteria. But have you ever tried using honey for pimples? No. Well, Honey works best on inflamed pimples. It is an effective germ killer and
fights bacteria that cause acne.
How to use Honey?
- Take 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
- 1 tablespoon honey
- ½ tablespoon cinnamon
- ½ tablespoon nutmeg
Steps to Make a Paste
- Mix all these ingredients in a bowl. Apply the mix on the pimple/affected area and leave it for 10-15 minutes.
- Wash your face after 15 minutes (your skin might turn red). Don’t panic, it doesn’t have any side effects.
- Apply the paste on a regular basis for 2-3 days and you would be surprised by the results.
Note: You can also apply honey directly or can mix it with any face mask.
Alternatively, you could mix honey with green tea or apple cider vinegar for better results.
2. Garlic for Pimple

Garlic is well-known for its antifungal and antibacterial properties. It contains allicin that kills bacteria that causes acne. Furthermore, it reduces inflammation and improves blood circulation. Apart from removing acne/pimples, garlic is also used as a medicine for cough and asthma. Applying garlic and water on the pimple gives you instant results ( I do not prefer using garlic on pimples).
How Garlic Can Be Used to Remove Pimples? use?
- Make garlic juice and apply it on the affected area.
- Leave it for 3-4 hours or overnight.
- Gently wash your face with warm water in the morning.
Note: Garlic might not suit you as it is hot by nature and could burn the skin. So, make sure that you use it carefully. Alternatively, you could also apply garlic powder or paste on pimples.
3. Tea Tree Oil for Pimple

Tea tree oil is used for several purposes for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also a natural sanitizer and kills bacteria and viruses that are responsible for causing illness. Tea Tree oil contains terpene that protects the skin from bacteria and reduces further growth. It is a great antiseptic for minor cuts and scrapes.
How to Use Tea Tree Oil To Remove Acne?
- Take a drop of tea tree oil and mix it with nearly 8-10 drops of water.
- Dip cotton into the mix and apply it over the pimple.
- Leave it for 5-10 minutes and then wash your face.
- Repeat this twice a day for better and quick results
4. Aloe Vera for Pimple

Aloe Vera has been used for centuries as a remedy to several problems. It is a natural medicinal plant and contains a lot of healthful plant compounds. Very few people are known to be allergic to aloe vera. I used Aloe vera to remove pimples and not to mention, this home remedy worked best on my skin.
Applying aloe vera gel and leaving it for overnight is the best remedy to acne treatment. It contains acne-bacterial substance that reduces the redness and helps the skin to regenerate. Also, drinking aloe vera juice is beneficial for health. It is rich in antioxidants and protects the skin. Moreover, it also combats gastric ulcer and balances secretion of acid in the stomach.
How to use Aloe vera for Pimples?
- Take aloe vera gel in a bowl and mix it with turmeric powder.
- Add milk and rose water according to the need.
- Apply the mixture on pimples/affected areas. Leave it for 10-15 minutes.
- Rinse your face with cold water.
- Do this for a week and see the results.
I followed this aloe vera treatment for 4 days and was surprised by the results. I recommend trying this home remedy first, because it has no side effects.
5. Green Tea for Pimple

Undoubtedly, Green tea is the healthiest beverage one could ever consume. It is power-packed with antioxidants, nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that prevent several health diseases. Using green tea on the affected area removes the blockage which causes pimples.
How to Use a Green Tea Bag to Remove Pimples?
- Take the leaves from tea bags and moisten them with water.
- Now mix the leaves with aloe vera gel/honey.
- Allow it to cool down.
- Next, apply this face mask on the affected areas and leave it for 15-20 minutes.
- Rinse the face with cold water.
Now, you might be wondering, what’s the solution for those who have pimples on oily skin. Don’t worry! Oily skin is not difficult to manage as everyone thinks. Don’t feel the same? Try these home remedies to clear pimples on oily skin and see the results.
5 Easy-to-Go Home Remedies for Pimples on Oily Skin
1. Wash Your Face At Least Twice a Day
The best and the easiest way to clear pimples on oily skin is to wash the face at least twice a day. Use facial cleanser or lotion cleansers to remove excess oil. Also, don’t forget to wash your face after you sweat.
Tip: Keep pre-moistened cleansing clothes in a bag to wipe your face whenever you sweat.
2. Honey
Honey works best on oily and dry skin. It has antibacterial and antiseptic properties and does wonders for acne. Apply a thin layer of honey (raw) on affected areas and leave it for 5-10 minutes. Then rinse with warm water to see the results.
3. Oatmeal and Honey
Oatmeal removes pimples on oily skin in a week. It absorbs excess oil and exfoliates dead skin. Mix oatmeal with honey or bananas to remove pimples from your face. Mix ground oats in warm water to form a paste. Now, add 1 tbsp, honey. Apply this paste on your face and let it sit for 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
Tip: If you don’t have honey, then add apples, papaya, or yogurt to oats paste.
4. Almonds
Have you ever thought, almonds that you eat to crave your hunger also works for pimples on oily skin? Ground almonds soak oily skin and remove impurities. To remove pimples, you would need to prepare an almond face mask. Take 3tsp of finely ground almonds and 2tbsp of raw honey. Apply the mask on your face and leave it for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
5. Tomatoes
The acid in tomatoes helps in clearing the acne. If you have mild acne, then slice a tomato into half and rub it on your face. For better results, apply a tomato mask on your face. Mix tomato puree and sugar in a bowl. Apply this mask on your face in a circular motion. Leave it for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water.
Take Away Thoughts
Pimple management is all about dieting habits, skincare routine, and a healthy lifestyle. Don’t forget that at least 7-8 hours of sleep could also benefit you in reducing pimples. If you are insomniac, then here are some ways on how you could sleep fast. I found aloe vera treatment perfect for my skin, but this might not help you.
Are you wondering why I am saying this? It is so because not everyone has the same skin type. While some might be allergic to honey, others can get instant results. If you have oily skin, then try the above remedies for pimples on oily skin for better results. But make sure that you do a patch test first to check on allergies if any.
BONUS TIP: You can use ice to reduce redness. Also, rub ice over the area for a minute to prevent tissue damage.
Also, before you share these tips to anyone looking at home remedies for pimples, ensure that you have tried these experiments.
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I suffer from pimples. This is going to help me
I never knew that garlic cures pimple