parenting tips

New Parent Alert! 5 Important Parenting Tips to Become a Better Parent

Love Sharing? Do the Honors!

Being a parent is a daunting task. And when you are a working parent, you have to be more careful when you are handling the kids. Many times, managing professional and personal life becomes challenging. Not me, but many parents out there looking for parenting tips or parental hacks so that they could manage kids and work simultaneously.

Also, when your kids are stubborn or mischievous then bearing with their behavior is like winning the game. Do you experience the same? Ahh! I am facing this, but truly, I love it when my daughter is around. No matter how naughty your kids are, they make you happier and a good human being overall. Furthermore, spending time with them is the best thing that you could do to overcome depression.

When LOVE is Greater than Fear!

I am the father of a daughter who is 3 years old. Trust me, when she is around I forget everything, my upset mood, headache, workload, and other things. With my experience, I am saying when kids are around, you live the best moments of your life. But sometimes, I also fear that having a kid means you have to focus a minimum of 18-20 years of your life on the needs of someone who is dependent on you. You have to make a decision on the basis of what is important for them rather than looking for what is best for you. But these things don’t matter when your LOVE for them is greater than fear.

Kids prepare you emotionally for any situation and let a horrible day melt away. Do you agree? I agree that managing kids is not an easy task. But while following a few parental tips, you could become a better parent (there is no harm if you try them out).

Let me tell you, I have also searched tons of parenting tips online and even read parenting journals just to make myself a better parent. After reading those key points mentioned in the books, at first, I thought I am doing something wrong because they look super easy. But in reality, they didn’t work for me. So, here I am sharing a few important parenting tips that have helped me in becoming a better parent. 

5 Parenting Tips You Wish Knew Before

Stay Calm and Have Patience

Stay Calm and Have Patience

Patience is the key to success. You might think it is easy, but practically, it is quite tough. In case, whenever you think you are losing your temper on your kid, take a deep breath, or do anything that distracts your mind. No, it is not funny, you can even sing or play a song in your mind.

Losing the patience and scolding them could make a wrong impression on them. Instead, why not work on yourself and be an inspiration to them? This will help you in getting back to normal and forgetting what had happened. You won’t believe it, but my daughter too sings along with me. This distracts her and we both start afresh. 

Try to Listen

Try to Listen

Do you know communication is a two-way door? If you are ready to say, you must be ready too to listen. In case, if your kid is not listening, try to know the reason behind this. For instance, if he/she is not eating, then skip the meal for 5-10 minutes and take him/her for a walk. This distracts the mind and gives you a chance to talk with him/her.

While you are talking to him/her, make sure that you also tell the kid about the benefits of having healthy food and the harm of skipping meals. You can tell them a story, in which a person who eats healthy food becomes stronger than who only eats junk food. This way, your communication with kids would improve and they would start listening to you.

Time is Love

Time is Love

Let’s agree – Life is busy! If you are giving your precious time to someone, then you are giving the best gift to them. Amid life and responsibilities, time passes in the blink of an eye. Spend time with your kids as much as possible. Because this is the only way you would know about their nature. Play with them, invite their friends, and be part of their gang. By doing this, you would come closer to them, and more importantly, your bond would grow stronger.

I make sure that I spend most of the time with her and get involved in everything that she does. Create a ritual for every day or week (if possible) – to do something new this day. For instance, you both could read a book at bedtime. Schedule a time for an activity and reinforce positive behavior. 

Be a Role Model

Be a Role Model

Your kid thinks that you are the ONLY perfect person in this entire world. Don’t forget that they spend most of the time at home. The way you behave, the way you eat, and the way you give respect, everything would be followed by them. Remember that kids’ learning environment starts at home. 

You can’t control emotions. You also get angry and sometimes irritated for no reason. But do not show your angry version to your kids. If you want to argue with your partner then make sure that you don’t create a scene when kids are around. If anytime this happens with me, I either lower my pitch or avoid making any conversation. Teach them the way you would want them to follow in the future, by applying at yourself first. 

Give Them a Reward for Doing a Great Job

Reward for Doing a Great Job

Do you know anyone in this world who doesn’t love being appreciated? Praising people boosts their mind and rejuvenates their soul. You might not know, but kids do need someone who can praise them for the work they are doing by rewarding them with little surprises. 

TBH! I appreciate my daughter, even when she has not done anything up to the mark. I reward her by giving toys and sometimes with her favorite chocolates. Give your kid a task of learning alphabets or learning a poem within a time limit and in return, give him/her a new drawing book or anything. While you are rewarding them, remember to point out their mistakes and tell them how can it be done in a better way. 

Final Words

I sometimes wonder how in earlier days our grandparents could handle 6-8 kids along with the whole family! Surely, there are more parenting tips. But I shared these parenting tips with my experience and I hope these would work with you as well. 

Do you know other parenting tips that could help a new parent? Feel free to share your experience as well, by dropping the comments. I would love to read them.  


  1. Good post !
    Having patience and a combinations of the points you mentioned will go a long way in parenting..

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